Model-actor-TV host Karan Wahi shared an appreciation post for his mum, Veena Wahi, who, at 62, lost 18 kg during the lockdown.
We’ve all known about Bollywood superstars utilizing the boundless extra time during the coronavirus lockdown to work out and remain fit. Be that as it may, it’s not simply big names who have been staying in shape! In a post shared by Karan Wahi on Instagram, he shared how pleased he is of his mum, Veena, who, at 62 years old, lost 18 kg in four months. Astonishing, right?
Wahi shared a when image of his mom and expressed, “So glad for my MOM @wahi.veena
Much thanks to you for tuning in to me and dealing with yourself before u dealt with the world. My Mom is 62 and a hypothyroid. Yet, I am happy I motivated her to do this for her. 18 kgs in 4 months…”